When you partner with Innova Search you're partnering with our industry specialist recruiters.
Our recruiters operate on a search and selection basis within the manufacturing and engineering industry and are proud to have partnered with some of the most influential, UK, European and Global manufacturing leaders across food, drink, industrial, chemical, automotive, aerospace & pharmaceutical sectors.
Our Recruiters have, on average, over 10 years of practice within their professions. All are linked by the same culture of partnership and sharing. Generalists in spirit, experts as a result of their practice within the profession, they are able to identify candidates from very different backgrounds. It is this coalition, the pooling and sharing of knowledge within the organisation, that allows us to offer a richer and more diverse choice of candidates to our Clients.
Our Recruiters come from all kinds of backgrounds and their diversity, of course, is their strength. Their accumulated individual expertise, gained over many years, comes to the forefront in serving our clients.
Every search project has a dedicated associate who works closely with the lead consultant, ensuring the highest quality of research sourcing candidates IN the market, not just ON the market, whilst ensuring the timely delivery of the assignment.
To see how Innova Search can support you in your hiring needs call us today on 0330 311 0080 to discuss the bespoke search and selection recruitment methods available to you.